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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
Pertanyaan2 dalam analisis GENDER di pertanian
Pertanyaan2 gender dalam bidang kegiatan irigasi:
1.Do men and women differ in their water use and future irrigation needs, such as:
types of crops irrigated (commercial corps, food crops, etc.); nonagricultural water requirements; preferred sites of water use; or distance (of home or fields) from water source?
2. Do women with agricultural specializations need access to irrigation water?
3. How will women be affected by intensified production as a result of the irrigation project? (Consider changes in labor requirements, changes in cash requirements for agricultural investments and concomitant changes in women�s labor allocation, etc.)
4. How will changes in cropping pattern (e.g., cash cropping versus subsistence crop production) affect women?
5. How will women be affected by the increased demand for labor and services created in the implementation phase?
6. Are women now involved in water management? Do they have a role in the settlement of water management disputes?
7. Are there water user associations? Can women join them?
8. Are women members of water user associations?
9. Does the executing agency (EA) have the capacity to mainstream GAD concerns?
10. Does the EA have female extension workers?
Khusus dalam bidang kegiatan microfinance:
1. Do men and women differ in their patterns of credit use (e.g., type of loans, number of loans, interest rates, arrears, defaults, amounts borrowed, effective use)?
2. Are there significant numbers of women farmers, enterprise owners, producers, workers, or household heads in the client population?
3. Do women and men have separate credit unions or savings and loan groups?
4. Does the beneficiary population have access to finance from both formal and informal sources? 5. Are there differences in access for women and men?
6. If women's access to credit is more restricted than that of men, how does this relate to women's property rights and ability to provide collateral? What are other constraints on women�s access to credit?
7. Will the project change existing patterns of relative access to credit for women and men? components.
Nah, khusus untuk kegiatan peternakan (livestock), maka pertanyaan2 nya adalah:
1. What roles do women and men play in livestock husbandry and care in the project area?
For which aspects of animal care are women mainly responsible, e.g., with which of the following activities are women involved daily or regularly: collection and fodder preparation, feeding;
watering; cleaning; herding; milking, sheaving, or other harvesting activities; or
care of sick animals?
2. How will the project affect the amount of labor men and women spend on livestock care? Will women and men do more work or less?
3. If the project involves new productive tasks, will these be done by women or by men? Will the labor have to be shifted from other activities? How will such changes affect women?
4. Will the project inputs to livestock development change women�s roles in the overall farming system? How?
5. If the care of large livestock is thought to be a responsibility of the men, do women actually do some of the work? How much?
6. If commercial livestock production technologies are provided to men, how will women�s traditional workload and responsibilities be affected?
7. Will the project create extra work for women? If so, how will they benefit from it?
8. Will new livestock production methods or new forms of livestock affect land use? Will they affect women�s access to land?
9. Do women have access to the resources (land, credit, capital) to participate in the project and to benefit from the improved stocks, feeds, or other inputs?
10. Are women included in processing or marketing cooperatives or in communal projects?
11. Do women own the animals they tend, and do they have control over or access to the income derived from the sale of meat, eggs, milk, etc.?